But "Butterly" sounds just as good ... 😂

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Was this issue inspired by the Reading Rainbow documentary “Butterfly in the Sky”? I ask because I just watched it (super good, cried my eyes out, must see), and Levar Burton discusses his groundbreaking role on Star Trek. Jason Reynolds talks about the impression it made on him, saying, “It meant that Black people made it to the future! It sounds so silly to say…unless you’re Black.”

I do feel it’s a bit lazy to make the same movie again and just recasting the role. There are so many filmmakers (writers, producers, directors) of color who have original stories to tell. So much money goes into remaking these films when original films made by unknown artists/creators would cost just a fraction of those.

(Tiny typo: quixotic)

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That’s EXACTLY what inspired the title! :) Yeah that’s where this all needs to go eventually, telling the newer, imaginative stories based of the new intellectual property diverse writers and artists are creating.

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I have a mermaid tattoo, and I was happy when my tattoo artist allowed me to get her with brown eyes and dark brown curly hair! He actually praised me for opening his mind, so I really agree with you on this. The casting of the characters from book characters doesn't have to be a homogeny, since valuable books are considered timeless and inclusive!

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