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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Ehsan Zaffar

Your comment to "Build a “college isn’t for everyone” society," is spot on. Having worked for a couple of educational institutions (University and K-8), as well as having been a non-traditional student, I can honestly say this is key.

We turned a college degree into a commodity - something to buy to achieve status. We should have been building a social structure that not only supported but also appreciated and rewarded those who chose not to get a college degree.

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Absolutely. What’s interesting is that there is plenty of evidence of success without a college degree - but it usually 1) it isn’t supported or valued by society (see my comment about men in the original newsletter) and 2) is often ignored by civil society and activists.

Part of this bias is also self perpetuating: college graduates have spent thousands of dollars and several years obtaining “status” - questioning the value of this effort and expense is facing the prospect that you may have wasted all that time and money 
 something many are unconsciously unwilling to do.

Thank you for reading and for your thoughtful comment!

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