🎺 An Announcement
Hello thoughtful people,
Based on your feedback, I'm announcing a paid version of this newsletter (and website) that will be sent out on a weeklybasis.
The weekly deep-dive newsletter will allow subscribers to ask questions directly of podcast guests, help me launch a book club with free books sent to subscribers(the first will be The Velvet Rope Economy by Nelson Schwartz, a recent guest on the UnfairNation podcast) and help support my recently graduated students with part-time employment as researchers for the newsletter.
What's changing?
A new paid weekly subscription option. The free monthly newsletter remains the same.
What's in the new weekly newsletter?
🕺🏽 Deep-dives into timely topics related to fairness, rights and justice (great for impressing friends and colleagues while you wait for everyone to join your Zoom call).
🎨 Well-researched infographics.
🧐 Opportunities to ask questions and interact directly with podcast guests.
👩🏽💻 Access to a brand new moderated comment system - a safe, small community for healthy discussion about important topics.
📖 A book club with free ebooks sent to susbcribers.
🗄 A newsletter archive (check it out here)
🎯 A private job board will be added later this year, along with other features.
These are your ideas
The weekly newsletter is the result of great responses I received from a poll you took last month:
Q: What kinds of content would you like to see in a newsletter on inequality?
Q: Would you like to receive a newsletter on a weekly basis?
Q: How many dollars per month would you be willing to pay to support a weekly well-researched newsletter?
Details about the subscription
The weekly newsletter costs $5 a month, or $50 a year. I hope you'll sign up here :)
If you are a student, drop me a note for a discount.
Thank you
This newsletter, and the UnfairNation podcast are all attempts to build a community of passionate people around my work to reduce inequality. I've been gratified to see over 7,500 weekly listeners on the podcast and nearly 4,000 newsletter subscribers (growing at a rate of about 50 a day).
Thank you to my half-decade long readers (mostly friends, family and mentors who I cajoled into signing up) and welcome to all the newbies 🙂 There's a ton of content out there and I'm grateful to each and everyone of you for making my letter a part of your reading.
Oh and a special thank you to John Keker for his generosity and kindness. He's a brilliant mentor of mine and I am ever grateful for his support.
And as Gabriel would say ... here's a secret kitten for making it all the way down here.